Wanna buy some Real Estate?

Real Estate - Snow Days
from the album Real Estate (Woodsist, November 17th 2009)

Not really the easiest band to google, but believe med it's well worth the effort. This song is taken from the New Jersey band's selftitled album debut and is a good example of how the band sounds. The title is especially fitting for mid-February in Oslo, Norway. Every day is a new snow day and to be frank, it's all getting a bit tiresome. So then nothing is better than to sit down in a warm cosy living room, pour yourself a cup of coffee and put on a great song by a great band from a equally great record?

(Photo by Colin O'Neill)

The best thing about Real Estate's music is that it has this almost nostalgic quality, it's the sound of an old blurry Super-8 film, or that Poloroid of you one summer when you were a kid. The song is called "Snow Days" but all I can think about are all those summers when you were a kid and every day was just another adventure filled only with the warm sun and the smell of green grass.
