Black Flag | Damaged

(c) Glen E. Friedman

On December 5th, 1981 one of my favourite records, Damaged by Black Flag was released. This was the band's first full length release and also their first recordings with new vocalist Henry Rollins. Originally a fan of the band who came from Washington D.C. He would be the fourth singer in the relatively short life of the band. Rollins proved to be a perfect match and Damaged is widely regarded as a classic and genre-defining these days, though it didn't get a lot of attention at the time of release.

The album was important in my formative years when I discovered a lot more angry punk rock. I've got a signed copy of the album after having the pleasure of meeting Henry Rollins when I was working at Big Dipper, a record store in Oslo. He was humble and a really nice guy. I was scared as hell and just focused on being polite and not shitting myself.

(A couple of years later I saw Keith Morris across the isle from me at Permanent Records in Los Angeles, but I didn't have the guts to say hello).
