Top 3 songs on a thursday afternoon

Mira Bilotte - As I Went Out One Morning
Taken from
I'm Not There (Music from the Motion Picture), Sony 2007

The original is also one of my favourites, but this one has something. I can tell you what it is, it's the incredible walking-bass that Tim Luntzel is playing (whomever he must be..).

You can hear a snippet here
Mira Billotte - As I Went Out One Morning

Found at

Stephen Stills -
As I Come of Age
Taken fr
om the album Stills, Columbia 1975

A great recording that dates back to '71. The basic take for the song was done in London '71 with Ringo Starr on drums and Stills on almost everything else. The vocals were done in '73 by the mighty Crosby, Stills and Nash. Great tune.

Kathleen Edwards - The Cheapest Key
Taken from the album
Asking for Flowers, Zoë Records 2008

Fantastic song that I can listen to endlessly. Great lyrics. One of 2008's top 5 records, for sure.
"A is for all the times I bit my tongue. B is for bullshit and you fed me some. C is for charity and now you're mine. D is for dollars but you're counting the dimes. E is the exit sign backstage at shows. F is my favourite letter as you know. G is for God loves a patient man who spends his days living in ego land." That's the first verse.

Kathleen Edwards - The Cheapest Key

Found at


I love 'The cheapest key', too. Is it a door key? Or a musical key? And which is the cheapest?
Stian sa…
I guess it's a musical key, but which musical key is the cheapest?